Swiss Mechanical Keyboard Community

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9th Meetup: Registration

Please register yourself here, mentioning if you will bring some boards to show and/or sell:

Who Brings these Keyboards Brings other stuff For Sale/Trade Wants a Table Notes
savf (Stephan) Planck, Pearl R1 Keyboard/People Name Tags ALPS build with Nexus sliders half a table is fine -
XTaran (Axel) bunch of 30% to 50%, odd stuff, maybe some TKLs - maybe some no more used Varmilo Panda 65% ½ to 1 table, depends on table size ;-) Might come by bicycle
Myyrddraal (Marcel) New Model F77 compact Odd self-made stuff half a table
Your Nick What you will bring Add yourself the line above, but without the slashes in case you want to trade something yes/no/maybe comment
meetup-2024/participants.1731911028.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/18 06:23 by Marcel Sottnik